Beria Road, Bazpur, U.S.Nagar, Uttarakhand - 262401

Principal Message  

Welcome to DAV Public School, Bazpur!!!

I am really honoured and feel very privileged to function as the Principal of DAV Public School Bazpur. Let me take this opportunity to thank the Management DAV CMC for giving me the opportunity to serve here.

We, at DAV Public School Bazpur, ensure high quality education which motivates and empowers our students to be lifelong learners and the productive members of the society. At DAV’s, education is not just the amount of information that is put into a child’s brain. Our education system is the one that cater the individual needs of our students

We want all our students to achieve their full potential. Our task is to make it possible and our mission is to provide a platform for the same.

Success for all students is ensured at our school by the delivery of an enriching, child centred, balanced and structured curriculum and a whole school focus on student welfare that focuses on the positive recognition of student achievements. Teachers at are highly qualified and experienced educators who are committed to supporting each student’s learning experience through quality instruction and guidance that addresses the needs of the individual child. Teachers work to provide students with differentiated support that address each student’s specific needs both academically and socially.

I, personally believe that an education system that develops the imagination of the child is richer than the one that does not. The imagination is where new ideas are created and progress becomes possible. “Imagination is more important than knowledge” because knowledge is about what we already know, whereas imagination is what moves individuals and cultures forward. Imagination leads to innovation. DAV Bazpur will surely give much importance to imaginative methods.

DAV Bazpur do give high priority for our Student’s safety. School also initiates the activities that actively promote safe and healthy lifestyle and contribute effectively to sustainability and conservation of our environment.

We truly have a fantastic school with a supportive and involved parent community, dedicated and highly skilful staff, excellent resources and buildings and the most fantastic students to work with. We are very sure that with the help of all the stakeholders and with their continuous support, we will be able to take our school to the next highest level of excellence. At our end, we shall continue working with you for the best interests of our beloved students and our community at large.

My commitment to our community is to lead the school with enthusiasm and passion to enable us to reach our goals. Let us work together to make DAV Bazpur as the best school, it can be. We look forward to welcoming you to be part of our vibrant learning community.

“Let noble thoughts come to us from every side”

Ms Ekta Kumari


DAV Public School Bazpur


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Beria Road, Bazpur,
U.S.Nagar, Uttarakhand - 262401
Contact - 05949-281537
E-Mail - davpsbazpur@yahoo.com
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